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Tirohia nga hua o Te Whanake

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en mi

Pukapuka Tātaki

Te Whanake 3: Te Māhuri Pukapuka Tātaki

An upper-intermediate level study guide for adults and teenagers.

Te Whanake 3: Te Māhuri Pukapuka Tātaki

As well as a range of exercises to help learn vocabulary and whakataukī, and for reading and writing practice in the language covered in each chapter of the textbook, this study guide also includes explanations about the use of ngahuru, me uaua kē . . . , ki, kei te . . . and defining colours.

Reading comprehension exercises include passages about insects, Kaikōura, a trip to Bangkok and China (in 10 short instalments), the creation narratives, the canoe migrations, Te Paea Hinerangi, Rangi and Papa, the creation of the first woman, a story about sandflies and mosquitos, Māui (in 5 instalments), Māori flags, and the Māori Merchant of Venice.

$ 46.95
  • Resource type: Study guide/work book
  • Format: paperback
  • Edition: 1st
  • Pages 120
  • Edition publication date: 2004
  • Publisher: Longman/Pearson Education New Zealand
  • ISBN: 0-582-54579-X
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